FREE SHIPPING! on orders of $99 or more
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![]() There are no secret codes, coupons, of gift certificates to enter or required to get free shipping - simply add $99 or more in products to your cart and the shipping will calculate to $0.00. To be perfectly clear any order over $99 ships for Free... nada, nothing, zilch. Shipped directly to your home, office, or facility. Standard shipping rates: $5.95 Shipping for orders from $0 - $49.99 $7.95 Shipping for orders from $50 - $98.99 FREE! Shipping for orders over $99! Sales Tax Collection: We are required to collect 8.05% sales tax on all orders shipped to addresses in the state of Arizona. We Ship to US addresses only: We ship to addresses the United States of America (including Alaska and Hawaii). We cannot ship internationally, including Canada. We Ship to Physical Addresses Only: We ship by carriers such as UPS that require a street address for delivery. We cannot ship to Post Office Boxes. Shipping Days: Orders are not shipped on Saturdays, Sundays, or national holidays. Backorders: We generally have items available for immediate delivery. In the event that an item is not available, we will ship the available items immediately. The balance will be shipped when it becomes available with no additional shipping charges. Multiple Line Item Order Shipping: Orders consisting of multiple items may ship from multiple distribution warehouses from all over the US. All boxes may or may not arrive on the same day depending on warehouses that they ship from. Thank you for considering Incontinence Products Plus as your adult incontinence supply provider. Our job is to make your life easier and less expensive.